蔬菜餃配泰式花生醬(Veggie dumplings with Thai Peanut Sauce)

作者: 簡擇 The Green Minimalist

可能每個人嘅雪櫃都有盒餃子,因爲當一餐真係快靚正。其實要自己包都唔難,平時包定啲放在冰箱就幾時食都得喇。^^ 配埋惹味嘅泰式花生醬嚟食就更滋味喇!Many of us usually store a box of dumplings in refrigerators, as it can make a quick and great meal! Actually it is not difficult to make dumplings by ourselves. These veggie dumplings are tastier when they are served with Thai peanut sauce! (English recipe down below)



即磨黑胡椒 適量

1. 把所有菜洗淨。
2. 將椰菜、豆乾、芹菜、木耳和香菇分別切碎備用。(我用咗榨完汁嘅甘筍蓉,大家用一般甘筍切碎取代亦可。(我將以上材料稍為切細,再分別放入food processor攪碎,好方便)
3. 將1湯匙油放入一個易潔鑊中,以中火爆香薑蓉,再加入香菇碎炒約一分鐘。之後放入椰菜、豆乾、芹菜、木耳和甘筍蓉,以中細火煮約10分鐘或至餡料乾身即可,最後加入調味料拌匀。記得不時攪動餡料以免燒焦。
4. 預備一碗水,包餃碟灑上1湯匙麵粉。
5. 在餃子皮(我用的約9cm大)上正中位置放入約1湯匙餡料,用手指沾少少水,沾到餃子皮四周,對摺,以拇指及食指摺好,再用手指按實以免有空隙。



6. 新鮮餃子煮法:煲一鍋水,水滾後落餃子並用筷子攪動一下,待水再滾時落1碗室溫水繼續煮。當水第三次滾時就食得喇! (咁做可以令餃子皮更軟熟同避免餃子容易爛^^)
7. 未煮嘅餃子可以放入灑上麵粉嘅密實盒並儲放在冰箱。



材料:陳醋 、適量麻油及辣椒油

‘Veggie dumplings with Thai Peanut Sauce’
Makes ~45 dumplings

~45 round dumpling wrappers (The ones that I bought are 9cm large)
250g cabbage(~⅓ small cabbage)
150g five-spice dried tofu
20g ginger(minced)
120g carrot pulp
40g chinese celery(roots removed)
25g dried (wood ear) black fungus(Soaked in water until soft,then removed hard stems)
20g dried shiitake mushrooms(Soak in water for about 30 minutes or until soft. Drain the water immediately to avoid losing the ‘mushroom’ flavour.

1Tbsp sesame oil
3Tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1Tbsp Mirin
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1. Wash all veggies before use.
2. Boil black fungus for 2 minutes and drain the water. Set aside.
3. Finely chop cabbage, five-spice dried tofu, chinese celery, black fungus and shiitake mushrooms.
You can roughly chop the above ingredients and throw them into the food processor separately.
(I used the carrot pulp after juicing, you can replace it with finely chopped carrots.)
4. Heat 1Tbsp oil in a non-stick skillet, fry minced ginger using medium heat until fragrant. Add the chopped mushrooms and stir fry for another 1 minute. Add the cabbage, dried tofu, chinese celery and carrots and stir-fry over medium-low heat for another 10 minutes or until veggies are tender and the liquid released has been cooked off. Season with sesame oil,vegetarian oyster sauce,mirin,and freshly ground black pepper. (Remember to stir the filling occasionally while cooking to avoid burning. )
5. Prepare a small bowl of water. Put flour on top of plate that you are going to put dumplings.
6. To wrap the dumplings, dampen the edge of wrapper with some water. Put about 1Tbsp of filling in the middle. Fold the circle in half and pinch the wrapper together at the top. Then make folds on each side, until the dumpling looks like a fan. Make sure it is completely sealed. Repeat until all the filling is gone. Make sure the dumplings are not sticking together.

You can watch the following video made by Oniyomei to learn how to fold dumplings easily!

7. To cook the fresh dumplings, simply bring a large pot of water to a boil, drop the dumplings in. Wait for the water to boil again, and add 1 bowl of cold water. When the water boils again,this means the dumplings are ready! (This method can prevent the dumplings from breaking easily.)
8. Any uncooked dumplings can be stored in a container dusted with flour and put in freezer.

How to cook frozen dumplings?
Do not defrost the dumplings, just add them to your pot of boiling water. Once the water is boiling again, add 1 cup of cold water, bring it to a boil. Add another 1 cup of cold water,bring it to a boil. The dumplings are now ready to serve!

You can serve with the following Thai peanut sauce or dumpling vinegar sauce:
*Thai peanut sauce:
Ingredients: 2Tbsp peanut butter, 1tsp maple syrup or sugar, 1Tbsp sesame oil, 2tsp lime juice,1tsp soy sauce, a few drops of chilli oil(optional), 4tsp water

*Vinegar sauce:
Ingredients:Chinese black vinegar, sesame oil and chilli oil to taste

簡擇 The Green Minimalist

關於 簡擇 The Green Minimalist



