Share the post "純素南瓜滋心餅"
阿麻籽粉 200克
開心果 (壓碎) 50克
可可粉 2湯匙
龍舌草蜜 2湯匙
椰子油 3湯匙
南瓜 (蒸熟) 400克
椰青肉 300克
龍舌草蜜 5湯匙 (隨個人口味調整)
新鮮薑蓉 2茶匙
肉桂粉 2茶匙
豆寇粉 1茶匙
喜馬拉雅鹽 1茶匙
1. 將烤焗紙放入8吋的彈弓餅底內。
2. 在大碗內放入所有餅底材料拌勻。將餅底混合物倒入蛋糕容器內。利用湯匙壓實在底部。放入冰箱內凝固。
3. 在攪拌器內,放入所有餅餡材料打至幼滑。 如需要,可適量地加入少量水幫助打勻。
4. 把餅餡倒進餅底上。 放入冰箱內雪一晚或至凝固。
5. 可在凝固後的滋心餅面上放一些奇異籽和黑芝麻餅碎作裝飾。滋心餅最好在冰箱內拿出來後20-30分鐘才享用。
Vegan Pumpkin Sheese Cake
Ground Flaxseed 200g
Pistachio nuts (crushed) 50g
Cacao powder 2tbs
Agave syrup 2 tbs
Coconut oil 2 tbs
Pumpkin (steamed) 400g
Young coconut meat 300g
Agave syrup 5tbs (according to personal preference)
Fresh Ginger (minced) 2tsp
Ground Cinnamon 2tsp
Ground Nutmeg 1tsp
Himalaya salt 1tsp
1. Line the bottom of an 8-inch springform round cake tin with parchment paper.
2. In a bowl, combine all crust ingredients and mix well. Pour mixture into the cake tin covering the bottom completely. Press down with a spoon to help crust mixture stick together. Put into freezer to set.
3. In a blender, blend together all filling ingredients until very smooth. If needed, add some water (a little at a time) to help with the mixing.
4. Pour filling over the crust. Put into the freezer and freeze overnight to set.
5. For garnishing, put on top of the cake some black sesame crisps and sprinkle over some chia seeds. Let the cake sit at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes before serving. Enjoy!
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