
作者: Grace Wong

gk 廚房創作及品嘗。素食姐弟至愛。Created and tasted in the gk Kitchen. Thumbs up by the Vegan Sibs.


芋頭 300克
南瓜 150克
西蘭花 (切粒) 50克
五味粉 2 茶匙
薑蓉 1 茶匙
喜馬拉雅鹽 1 茶匙
阿麻籽粉 6 湯匙

九層塔 (切碎) 1束
檸檬汁 半個
龍舌草蜜 1 湯匙

1. 把芋頭和南瓜切細粒。分別放入兩個碟內蒸10分鐘或至軟身。
2. 將已蒸熟之芋頭轉入大碗內。趁熱用义把芋頭壓蓉直到看不到芋粒。
3. 加入五味粉、喜馬拉雅鹽、薑蓉、西蘭花粒。拌勻。
4. 將蒸熟南瓜再切成小塊,輕輕伴入芋蓉內。


5. 用湯匙把芋頭南瓜蓉平均分成18-20份。用手搓成丸狀,再輕輕壓平至圓形或心形。
6. 阿麻籽粉放入碟中,將芋頭南瓜餅的兩面均勻地沾上阿麻籽粉。

7. 放入已經放了烤焗紙的焗盤內。放入焗爐用200度焗18-20 分鐘或直至硬身和金黃色。


8. 其間,將所有醬汁材料混勻。黃金圈焗好後便可馬上跟九層塔-檸檬汁一起享用。漫用。


Baked Golden Taro Rounds (with basil-lemon sauce)

Taro 300g
Pumpkin 150g
Broccoli (diced) 50g
Five spice 2 tsp
Ginger (minced) 1 tsp
Himalaya salt 1 tsp
Flaxseed (ground) 6 tbs

Sauce for dipping:
Basil (chopped) a bunch
Lemon juice half of a lemon
Agave syrup 1 tbs

1. Cut taro and pumpkin into dices. Put in separate dishes and steam for 10 minutes or until soft.
2. Transfer cooked taro into a big bowl. While still warm, mash taro with a fork until no big chunks can be seen.
3. Add in five spice, himalaya salt, minced ginger and diced broccoli. Mix well.
4. Cut steamed pumpkin into smaller pieces and gently stir into taro mixture.
5. Use a spoon to scoop up 18-20 equal portions of the taro mixture. Roll each between your hands to make a small ball, then flatten it slightly and shape into a circle or heart shape.
6. Spread ground flaxseed on a plate and put rounds or hearts in it, coating evenly on both sides.
7. Put on a tray lined with parchment paper and bake at 200c for 18-20 minutes or until harden and golden.
8. While waiting, mix all sauce ingredients together. Serve taro rounds or hearts immediately with basil-lemon sauce. Enjoy!

Grace Wong

關於 Grace Wong

Grace Wong是註冊言語治療師,兩個孩子的母親。她熱愛分享健康食品和飲食的知識,她成為素食者已超過22年,親身體驗了素食和生食生活帶來的益處。
//Grace Wong is a registered Speech and Language Pathologist and a mother of two. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge of choosing healthy food and eating healthily. Grace has been a vegetarian/vegan for over 22 years and has personally experienced the many benefits of vegetarianism, veganism and the raw food lifestyle.

